Saturday, 14 December 2013

A Brief Timeline of International History of Radio


Year     Histories

1799. Volta Invents Electrical Battery
1838. Morse demonstrates telegraphy
1861. Transcontinental telegraph by wire
1866. Transatlantic cable
1876. Bell invents Telephone
1883. Edison invents the Edison Effect
1886. Hertz produces and detects electric waves
1894. Lodge invents Coherer with 200 mile range
1897. J.J.Thompson discovers the electron
1899. Wireless Telegraphy
1901. Reception of transatlantic radio signals in NewFoundland from Marconi in the UK
1902. Poulsen -Arc Radio transmitter
1903. Triode Invented
1904. Radio Alternator designed
1906. Catwhisker crystal detector invented
1906. Sound broadcast combines voice and music
1906. RF Continuous- wave alternator developed
1909. Shoshone transmission line
1912. RF generator invented
1918. Superheterodyne receiver invented
1920. Westinghouse radio station KDKA broadcastes at Pittsburgh
1924. RCA superheterodyne sold in stores
1924. Directive shortwave antenna invented
1925. Human features transmitted by television.
1925. Pioneers work on radar.
1927. Working television demonstrated
1928. One way Police radio communication
1931. Radioastronomy founded by detection of radio waves from the center of our Milky way Galaxy
1931. Voice of Australia first broadcaster in Southern Hemispehere
1932. Radio is important in U.S Hoover vs. Roosevelt presidential campaign.
1933. Two way police radio communication.
1933. German Ministry of Popular Education and Propaganda controls broadcasting
1933. FM Invented
1934. Long range shortwave voice transmission from Byrd Antarctic Expedition
1934. Law limits broadcasting in India.
1934. U.S Federal Communications Act sets up FCC
1935. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay radio aggrement
1935. International Wireless Committee code of good conduct for international broadcastes
1935. Japan Broadcastes to America.
1936. BBC airs first news story -- fire at London's Crystal Palace
1937. Radio has push buttons
1937. Radio telescope used to find the first discrete radio sources beyond earth and map the natural radio signals across the milky way.
1937. U.S Radio Code
1938. CBS broadcastes Orson Welles' "Invasion From Mars" from H.G.Wells's
 "War of the Worlds"
1939. Baseball televised
1939. Germany transmits internationally in 26 languages, while listening in Germany to foreign broadcaste is a capital offence.
1939. Atanasoff-Berry computer developed.
1940. World War 2 brings radar and other electronics which stimulate radioastronomy.
1940. FM police radio communication.
1940. French General de Gaulle broadcasts from BBC to france.
1940. Sudan radio serves World War 2 Allies.
1940. News Broadcasts in six languages on African Gold Coast
1941. U.S. Col. W. Donovan commission combats Axis radio propaganda
1941. Switzerland broadcasts support International Red Cross.
1941. Opana radar site built
1942. Voice of America shortwave broadcasts in English, French, Italian, German.
1942-45. US Naval Computing Machine Laboratory
1943. BBC Broadcasts English lesson.
1943. American Forces Network on the air
1944. BBC Broadcasts coded messages to French resistance before D-Day
1945. Yugoslavia broadcasts
1945. Military Controls broadcasting in Soviet-occupied Germany
1945. Astronomers develop radio astronomy.
1945. Japan's Emperor announces his countries surrender in his first radio broadcast.
1946. First and brightest radio source beyond our galaxy, Cygnus A, discovered U.S Army Signal Corps bounces radar beam off Moon.
1946-53. U.S develops monochrome-compatible electronic color television.
1946. Transistor invented will make small radios commercially feasible
1946. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) turned on.
1950-69. Electronic technology applied to spaceflight.
1951. Color Television introduced in U.S.
1951. Transistors manufactured.
1951. Electromagnetic radiation discovered coming from interstellar hydrogen at a radio wave length of of 21 cm.
1953. First amateur radio moon bounce
1956. Germanium transistor commercialized.
1957. Beeping radio signal from Sputnik 1, Earth's first artificial satellite.

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